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Showing posts from 2012

Mission Gateway

Cool development coming to Mission soon.  Its called the Mission Gateway ( link ) and will go where the old Mission Center Mall was at Johnson Drive and SMP.

Netflix needs profiles

Sophie has taken over my Netflix!

Tom Anderson Oh Snap

I loved this and as @klout said..."MySpace Co-Founder Tom Anderson deserves a +K for comebacks via Twitter!" The full story here:

ParaPlan Dispatch View Route Assignments

It's very easy to assign a ride from ParaPlan's Dispatch View, simply click in the Route column (in yellow) on the trip to assign and choose from the pull-down of available routes... Dispatch View - Simple Assign It is just as easy to assign a group of trips to a route as well.  For example, to assign all your unscheduled rides to a single designated route, just follow steps 1 & 2 in the graphic below... Dispatch View - Group Assign Please go to for more information.

My current posting routine (for now)

I am trying to simplify my social media life and in the process got more and more confused.  I use the following operating systems: Windows 8 on my PC Android 4.0 on my Galaxy SII iOS 6 on my iPad Chrome on my PC (browser/OS) It is getting increasingly more confusing and I have a desire to pick just one.  Each of these has their own App Store and user experience.  Thus I have found it nice to use applications that work well on all four. For example here is my current method of posting something to the social media world... I post to  Tumblr (text, photo, link or quote) Tumblr  posts to Twitter Tumblr  posts to Facebook Tumblr  posts to LinkedIn via ifttt This single post method to Tumblr updates all of my important social networks, but my Blogger, Google+ and ClipIt remain seperate.  Furthermore, RebelMouse shows all my social updates together in a very nice view. Other apps... I use Google Music, Amazon MP3, Pandora, G...

Insightly now has social integration

It may have been around a while, but I just noticed this...LinkedIn and Twitter integration!

I'm 40 and I have the car to prove it!

My 2010 Accord LX :)

My Windows 8 Recommendations

I have been using Windows 8 on my laptop for about 2 months now and I have one recommendation:  AVOID THE METRO START SCREEN ENTIRELY.  Windows 8 is being officially released on Friday, hence this post. You can basically disable it by never using it nor never pressing the 'Windows' button on your keyboard.  From Metro, you should have a desktop tile, just click that and never open Metro again.  Yes, I have no Start button in the new desktop view, but who cares.  I just set up my desktop and taskbar to have the programs/apps I use ready to go.  If you avoid the Metro interface, Windows 8 is just Windows 7 and works flawlessly.  Metro and the Windows Store are worthless in my opinion and I love cool fun things, but it is just a waste of time and doesn't belong on a desktop machine.

Microsoft SkyDrive Gets Cool

I agree with Brad Feld, " SkyDrive Is Great and No One Has Noticed " I use SkyDrive on my Windows 8 Laptop, Android Phone and iPad.  It works like a champ on all 3, here is a collage of these interfaces I made: SkyDrive Screenshots On the top is Windows 8 Metro, middle is iPad and Android, then the bottom is Chrome for Windows 8.  SkyDrive is slick on all of them and the desktop Sync is fast.  I dig it.

CloudOn Tutorial for iPad

After trying many various presentation generation tools, I have decided to just stick with PowerPoint.  It's still the best and I know it well.  This led me to CloudOn to edit decks on my iPad.  This app is great and had a very cool first-timer startup tutorial with many gems like the one shown here...

New ParaPlan Driver On-Time Performance Report

We are pleased to announce our newest ParaPlan report to help manage your paratransit operations and driver performance.  This new report allows you to specify the service date range and the "on-time parameters" for any or all drivers... ParaPlan Driver On-Time Performance Report You can view details, summaries or both!  In the detail view, conditional formatting is used to help you understand the results: Times in red are late, either for the pick-up or drop-off Differences in purple are outside the specified 'on-time' parameter (OTP) Negative numbers are pick-ups or drop-offs before the scheduled time In the summary view, percentages are used to help you understand the results: % Early:  All picks or drops  performed  before scheduled time, outside OTP % On Time:   All picks or drops  performed  before scheduled time, inside OTP % Late in Window:    All picks or drops  performed  after sched...

My Initial Windows 8 Thoughts

I've been playing with Windows 8 for about an hour now and I still don't know what it is.  Is it Windows 7?  Is it a tablet app on my pc?  It seems very disjointed.  Who cares that there is no 'Start' menu, I just want to know how I should use this thing.  The tiles and everything are very cool, but why do I have two versions of IE?  One in the tile mode and one in Windows 7 mode...very odd. The whole thing is just ODD.  More to come...

Live From The Michigan Transit Show

Conference started off with a huge golf tournament at the Crystal Mountain – Mountain Ridge Course ( link ). Getting’ the carts fired up! Tiffany piping one. Hole 13 I think…bogey :-( We then had a reception and great dinner…stepping into the trade show the next day… That was followed by dinner outside in the perfect weather at the base of the mountain… Then Regan (BAE Sales Rep) and I hit the Alpine Slide ( link ). We rode it 6 times! Regan Johnson I won the first 2, then we ended up tying 3-3! Great show, great resort. I love Michigan!

New Test From LiveWriter

My new Tumblr page!

I will have a post coming soon about my research into social networking lately, but here is my new tumblelog, kinda like a blog but with short-form, mixed-media posts containing things I want to say or find interesting/cool.

New ParaPlan Route Verify Feature Highlighted at CTAA

We are pleased to announce the release of a powerful new scheduling feature for ParaPlan.  Our new ParaPlan Verify feature allows users to fine-tune existing schedules.  Users can adjust stop orders, times and maximize ride sharing using EASE, our advanced scheduling engine. Come see this awesome new feature in action at the CTAA EXPO 2012!  link

ZeroPC is Everything I Always Wanted

ZeroPC is an app I found for Chrome and I love it!  It lets me turn my browser into a simple desktop and let me access all of my online files like a normal computer!  The iPad app is fabulous too! ONLINE STORAGE CLOUD allows me to access all of my services here the same way... 1. dropbox 2. box 3. amazon cloud drive 4. skydrive 5. google drive 6. sugarsync 7.  picasa, google docs, flickr, evernote, twitter and facebook too!

2 Amazing Masters Apps

My U-verse Masters App/Channel is truly unreal: My Masters App on iPad is smooth as silk... Bring on the return of Tiger in 2012!

Rock Chalk Baby

KU is in the Final Four this weekend and iGoogle sports gadget proves it!  A nice screenshot of the finality of NCAA hoops :)

U-Verse–Do I really need my bill displayed as a video?

Perhaps we could ditch the ‘video bill’ and lower my rates with the savings?

Google Play (Music) Keyboard Shortcuts

Space bar : play or pause music. Right/left arrows : next/previous songs. Shift+ right/left arrows : seek forward and backward S In the current song. /  :  search box Delete : delete track. p : create a new playlist. i -:make an instant mix from the current song. = : Increase the player volume. - : Decrease the player volume. Alt+= : thumbs up. Alt+- : thumbs down. s : Toggle shuffle on or off. r : Toggle repeat between off, all, and one. e : Edits the currently selected songs.

Truncate SQL Command and AutoNumber

Note for myself... TRUNCATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) SQL Server 2008 R2 If a table contains an identity column, the counter for that column is RESET to the seed value defined for the column. If no seed was defined, the default value 1 is used. To retain the identity counter (AutoNumber), use DELETE instead of TRUNCATE.

Obama Administration's Proposed FY13 Budget

February 16, 2012 - Statement of John Robert Smith, President and CEO of Reconnecting America, on Obama Administration's Proposed FY13 Budget: "In the Administration's recently released budget for Fiscal Year 2013, which calls for increased investment in our nation's communities and infrastructure, there is good news for all Americans, whether they live in urban or rural areas and whether they travel by automobile, bus or rail. In particular, President Obama continued the Administration's support for alternatives to highway transportation, such as increased funding for transit systems, and new investment into expanding inter-city and high-speed passenger rail. This affords all citizens choices in how they will travel and is at the heart of the work that Reconnecting America does, connecting people to the places that matter," said John Robert Smith, President and CEO of Reconnecting America. "In addition, the Administration's proposed funding for t...

House Committee marking up their transportation bill today

Transportation For America is live blogging some of the highlights of the markup going on today by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee about HR7. This bill is crucial for transit provider funding and thus EnGraph Software. Follow below... Twitter live feed... Original Post... Transportation For America » House Committee marking up their transportation bill today

The U.S. House Transit Bill (HR7) funded by new energy initiatives...

According to multiple sources, the House transportation bill – called the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act – reauthorizes highway and transit programs for five years at around $52 billion per year, for a total of $260 billion. It seems likely that the bill would use revenue from oil and gas drilling fees.

Hipmunk for Travel!

Hipmunk is the coolest new travel site I found for Chrome!  I love the Gantt view...

The Jo, Day 1

Missed the 7:22, but made the 7:52 on Route D 546. Driver said he calls this The Joke, not The Jo.  He says they are tryin to make this a transit system, but they don't know how and they dont care about the poor people tryin to work at mcdonalds.  He said its a commuter system for the OP affluent. This guy on the bus keeps asking me for the time at each stop :)

Every star in our Milky Way galaxy has at least 1 planet

Every star in our galaxy has at least one planet orbiting it, according to a new study, which suggests that alien planets are far more common than we thought. The data suggests that each star hosts at least 1.6 planets. There are at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy, according to, which means that we probably share it with more than 160 billion alien planets. That estimate is a massive increase on the 700 planets astronomers have so far identified outside our solar system.

What's an Entrepreneur?

"Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled." - Howard Stevenson, Harvard Business School, Book: Breakthrough Entrepreneurship What's an Entrepreneur? The Best Answer Ever | LinkedIn