I dont think I have yet to show off my new skin that came from Dell. When I ordered this laptop, one of the many options on the list was to 'Participate in their new skin promotion'. So I clicked YES of course. Anyway, it was a tad convoluded because I received the laptop, then several days later got an email telling me how to select my skin. Needless to say, after a semi-painful experience I got to the site where I could select and order my skin. They did not have many to choose from, but they did have colleges...so Rock Chalk!
Note: This is a Jayhawk, not a parrot.
I have desperately been looking for this skin for a HUGE KU fan friend, and cannot find it anywhere! If you happen to know where I may get one, or you have a part or invoice #, please e-me at lisainfrance@hotmail.com
Much appreciated.