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Showing posts from December, 2012

Mission Gateway

Cool development coming to Mission soon.  Its called the Mission Gateway ( link ) and will go where the old Mission Center Mall was at Johnson Drive and SMP.

Netflix needs profiles

Sophie has taken over my Netflix!

Tom Anderson Oh Snap

I loved this and as @klout said..."MySpace Co-Founder Tom Anderson deserves a +K for comebacks via Twitter!" The full story here:

ParaPlan Dispatch View Route Assignments

It's very easy to assign a ride from ParaPlan's Dispatch View, simply click in the Route column (in yellow) on the trip to assign and choose from the pull-down of available routes... Dispatch View - Simple Assign It is just as easy to assign a group of trips to a route as well.  For example, to assign all your unscheduled rides to a single designated route, just follow steps 1 & 2 in the graphic below... Dispatch View - Group Assign Please go to for more information.