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Showing posts from August, 2012

My Initial Windows 8 Thoughts

I've been playing with Windows 8 for about an hour now and I still don't know what it is.  Is it Windows 7?  Is it a tablet app on my pc?  It seems very disjointed.  Who cares that there is no 'Start' menu, I just want to know how I should use this thing.  The tiles and everything are very cool, but why do I have two versions of IE?  One in the tile mode and one in Windows 7 mode...very odd. The whole thing is just ODD.  More to come...

Live From The Michigan Transit Show

Conference started off with a huge golf tournament at the Crystal Mountain – Mountain Ridge Course ( link ). Getting’ the carts fired up! Tiffany piping one. Hole 13 I think…bogey :-( We then had a reception and great dinner…stepping into the trade show the next day… That was followed by dinner outside in the perfect weather at the base of the mountain… Then Regan (BAE Sales Rep) and I hit the Alpine Slide ( link ). We rode it 6 times! Regan Johnson I won the first 2, then we ended up tying 3-3! Great show, great resort. I love Michigan!

New Test From LiveWriter